Michael Stumm: Patents

Details of U.S. Patent 7839803

Title: Method and system of teleconferencing
Inventors: W. Martin Snelgove, Michael Stumm, and Mauricio De Simone
Issued: November 23, 2010
Number: 7839803
Filing number: 09/787758
Filing date: September 24, 1999




A telecommunication system and method for communicating between at least two end users over a telecommunication network, where the communication is defined by a set of parameters. At least two entities, such as one or both of the end users and/or the service providers negotiate an agreed set of values for said parameters that define the desired communication. The entities also negotiate a warranty agreement with the network service provider defining at least one of the agreed parameters to be warranted including a compensation method to be applied should said at least one monitored parameter fail to meet the corresponding one of said agreed values. The agreed warranted parameters are monitored once the communication is established and, in the event of a failure of the monitored parameters to meet agreed values, at least one of the entities is compensated in accordance with the agreed compensation method. When more than two entities are involved in a communication, the compensation from an entity can be divided amongst the other entities according to an agreed scheme.


United States Patent Classifications (USPC): 370/260, 370/235, 370/261, 379/202.01, 379/205.01

International Patent Classifications (IPC): H04M 3/56, H04L 12/24, H04L 29/06, H04M 3/42, H04M 7/00


    title = {Method and system of teleconferencing},
    author = {W. Martin Snelgove and Michael Stumm and Mauricio De Simone},
    number = {7839803},
    year = {2010},
    month = {November},
    day = {23},
    yearfiled = {1999},
    monthfiled = {September},
    dayfiled = {24},
    filing_num = {09/787758},