Paper Details
Michael Stumm and Songnian Zhou,
Algorithms implementing distributed shared memory",
IEEE Computer, 23(5), May, 1990, pp. 54–64.
Four basic algorithms for implementing distributed shared memory are compared. Conceptually, these algorithms extend local virtual address spaces to span multiple hosts connected by a local area network, and some of them can easily be integrated with the hosts' virtual memory systems. The merits of distributed shared memory and the assumptions made with respect to the environment in which the shared memory algorithms are executed are described. The algorithms are then described, and a comparative analysis of their performance in relation to application-level access behavior is presented. It is shown that the correct choice of algorithm is determined largely by the memory access behavior of the applications. Two particularly interesting extensions of the basic algorithms are described, and some limitations of distributed shared memory are noted.
Distributed shared memory, Distributed systems, Virtual memory systems, shared memory algorithms
Reference Info:
DOI: 10.1109/2.53355
ISSN: 0018-9162
@article(Stumm-IEEEComputer90, author = {Michael Stumm and Songnian Zhou}, title = {Algorithms implementing distributed shared memory}, volume = {23}, number = {5}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {54-64}, doi = {10.1109/2.53355}, issn = {0018-9162}, keywords = {Distributed shared memory, Distributed systems, Virtual memory systems, shared memory algorithms} )